The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) manages and administers the WaterMark Certification Scheme (the scheme).

The Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ) accredits Watermark Conformity Assessment Bodies (WMCABs), who in turn evaluate and certify plumbing and drainage products.

WMCABs are responsible for evaluating new products to an approved specification, for inclusion on the WaterMark Product Database. If a new product cannot be evaluated to an approved specification, a new or amended product specification can be submitted for the ABCB Office to review and approve. Once approved, the WMCAB can undertake an evaluation of the new product.

The WaterMark Administrative Framework details the relationship of key stakeholders and their role in the scheme.

Which products require certification?

It is important to note that not all plumbing and drainage products require WaterMark certification and authorisation.

A comprehensive listing of products predetermined as requiring WaterMark certification - including product types and application, specifications and exemptions - is contained on the WaterMark Schedule of Products.

Likewise, the WaterMark Schedule of Excluded Products details products that have been predetermined as not requiring WaterMark certification. The ABCB keeps both of these lists updated as new products undergo assessment, and as specifications are approved for use or suspended.

Products not included on either of these lists and are proposed for use in a plumbing or drainage installation, require an assessment to be undertaken. This is done in accordance with the requirements outlined in Appendix 3 of the Manual for the WaterMark Certification Scheme.

These requirements include a risk assessment of the product conducted by a WMCAB, to determine if WaterMark certification is necessary.

How to have a product certified

Organisations seeking WaterMark certification for their product should apply directly to a WMCAB. 

Any organisation that can satisfy an approved WMCAB that its product meets the requirements outlined in the Manual for the WaterMark Certification Scheme can have its product WaterMark certified. Individual WMCABs may have specific application and engagement processes for the certification of plumbing and drainage products.

Procedures and guidance information is available from the ABCB resource library for the WaterMark Certification Scheme to assist with evaluation, certification and authorisation of plumbing and drainage products.

For further background you may wish to view this video  How does WaterMark work?
