Organisations seeking to become a WaterMark Conformity Assessment Body (WMCAB) should apply directly to Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ).

Requirements for accreditation include:

  • An ability to have product certification accreditation from JASANZ, or an accreditation body that has a full mutual recognition agreement with JASANZ
  • Payment of the requisite application and licence fees, and
  • Entering into an Approved Certifier Agreement with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). 

We rely on WMCABs to help maintain the integrity and validity of WaterMark. WMCABs are responsible for certifying that plumbing and drainage products comply with the applicable approved specifications and for ensuring the correct application of the WaterMark trade mark on authorised products. All WMCABs must enter into an Approved Certifier Agreement with the ABCB. 
