With the exception of Third Party Copyright, the material contained on this web site constitutes Commonwealth copyright administered by the ABCB. The ABCB reserves the right to set out the terms and conditions for the use of such material.

We encourage the distribution and exchange of information provided on our website. All material presented on this website is provided under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 Australia Licensing model, with the exception of:

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The type of CC licence will vary according to the type of material so please refer to the CC licence on the ABCB resource you wish to use and compare it to the table below for the licence requirements. 

Unless otherwise stated, ABCB material published under a Creative Commons licence is free of charge. 

Creative Commons Licence typeType of useLicence requirementsExample Attribution Statements

Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works


When using this licence, you must:

  • Attribute the ABCB as the copyright owner.
  • Not use the ABCB products for commercial use
  • Not modify the content of the ABCB resource.
The [insert title of the work] was provided by the Australian Building Codes Board © [insert year of publication] under the CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Attribution-No Derivative



When using this licence, you must:

  • Attribute the ABCB as the copyright owner.
  • Not modify the content of the ABCB resource.
The [insert title of the work] was provided by the Australian Building Codes Board © [insert year of publication] under the CC BY ND licence.



When using this licence, you must:

  • Attribute the ABCB as the copyright owner.
The [insert title of the work] was provided by the Australian Building Codes Board under the CC BY licence.


When using ABCB material under a creative commons licence you must attribute the ABCB as the owner of the material. See the above table for example attribution statements.

Apart from permitted uses under the Copyright Act 1968, and those explicitly granted above, all other rights are reserved.

For more information about ABCB resources or requests for additional access to resources managed by the ABCB please use the online enquiry form.

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Please note that the ABCB does not permit the display of pages from this site within frames on another website.

ABCB Trade Marks

The ABCB, WaterMark and CodeMark logos are all registered trade marks of the ABCB and must not be used without permission from the ABCB.

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