Sets out requirements for the materials, design, performance and testing of mechanical backflow prevention devices that are used for the protection of water supplies, for health and safety and protection of the environment.
Secondary Specification
AS 1357.2:2005
Adoption Date
22 Jul 2022

Licences evaluated under this specification

Certificate Current Certification Date Current Expiry Date Status
052018 19 Jul 2024 16 Nov 2026 Active
021050 29 Nov 2023 31 Oct 2026 Active
021655 24 Jan 2024 28 Aug 2026 Active
023446 23 Aug 2025 19 Aug 2026 Active
002652 19 Dec 2023 26 Jul 2026 Active
026550 26 Jul 2023 24 May 2025 Active
026535 24 Jun 2023 11 May 2025 Active
021816 4 Dec 2023 27 Apr 2025 Active
001325 21 Apr 2023 25 Feb 2025 Active
025926 22 Nov 2023 22 Sep 2024 Active
001764 12 Sep 2023 28 Jul 2024 Active
022183 5 Jul 2024 4 Jul 2029 Suspended