Sets out requirements for the design, construction, testing and performance of control valves.
Secondary Specification
AS/NZS 2845.1:2022
Adoption Date
28 Oct 2005
Expiry Date
22 May 2025

Licences evaluated under this specification

Certificate Current Certification Date Current Expiry Date Status
026608 27 May 2024 16 Dec 2025 Active
040162 12 Dec 2020 12 Dec 2025 Active
025916 28 Sep 2022 30 Jun 2025 Active
026481 29 Jan 2024 8 Mar 2025 Active
021795 22 Jul 2024 21 Jan 2025 Active
022859 27 Oct 2023 30 Sep 2024 Active
022132 5 Sep 2019 29 Aug 2024 Cancelled
021184 30 Jul 2017 30 Jul 2022 Cancelled
022018 29 Jul 2014 28 Jul 2019 Cancelled