NCC 2022 Volume One - Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 buildings
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Building class 1a Building class 1b Building class 2 Building class 3 Building class 4 Building class 5 Building class 6 Building class 7a Building class 7b Building class 8 Building class 9a Building class 9b Building class 9c Building class 10a Building class 10b Building class 10c


Part F6 Light and ventilation

Part F6 Light and ventilation

NSW F6D6 Ventilation of rooms2019: NSW F4.5(b)

Delete clause F6D6 and insert NSW F6D6 as follows:

A habitable room, office, shop, factory, workroom, sanitary compartment, bathroom, shower room, laundry and any other room occupied by a person for any purpose must have—

  1. natural ventilation complying with F6D7; or
  2. a mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning system complying with AS 1668.2.


The reference to AS/NZS 3666.1 is deleted from the BCA in NSW, as the need to comply with this standard is regulated in the Public Health Regulation 2012, under the Public Health Act 2010.