NCC 2022 Volume One - Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 buildings
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Part G5 Construction in bushfire prone areas

Part G5 Construction in bushfire prone areas

SA G5D1 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions2019: G5.0

Delete subclause G5D1(1) and insert SA G5D1(1) as follows:

(1) Where a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution is proposed, Performance Requirements G5P1 and subject to G5D2, G5P2, are satisfied by complying with G5D3 to SA G5D5.

SA G5D5 Bushfire attack levelsNew for 2022

Insert SA clause G5D5 in clause G5D5 as follows:

Where a site is located in a designated bushfire prone area, the bushfire attack level that applies to the site is—

  1. for areas identified as general bushfire risk areas in the Planning and Design Code, the BAL-Low bushfire attack level; and
  2. for areas identified as medium bushfire risk areas in the Planning and Design Code, the BAL-12.5 bushfire attack level; and
  3. for areas identified as high bushfire risk areas in the Planning and Design Code, the bushfire attack level assessed for the site in accordance with the requirements of AS 3959; and
  4. for areas identified as urban interface in the Planning and Design Code that are within 500 m of a high bushfire risk area, the BAL-Low bushfire attack level; and
  5. for areas identified as urban interface in the Planning and Design Code that are within 100 m of a high bushfire risk area, the bushfire attack level assessed for the site in accordance with AS 3959.