NCC 2022 Volume One - Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 buildings
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VIC Part I4 Class 3 and 9a residential aged care buildings and Class 9c buildings

VIC Part I4 Class 3 and 9a residential aged care buildings and Class 9c buildings

Introduction to this Part

VIC Part I4 — Class 3 and 9a residential aged care buildings and Class 9c buildings contains additional Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for Sections D and F for Class 3 and Class 9a residential aged care buildings and Class 9c buildings as well as additional Performance Requirements and associated Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions.

Performance Requirements

NCC Blurbs

An electronic communication system must be provided to enable residents and staff to summon assistance in habitable rooms (other than kitchens), water closets, shower rooms and bathrooms.


VIC I4P1 only applies to Class 3 and Class 9a residential aged care buildings and Class 9c buildings.

NCC Title

Communication systems

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Communication systems
NCC Blurbs

Sufficient general purpose outlets must be provided for electrical appliances in bedrooms in locations that obviate the need for extension leads.


VIC I4P2 only applies to Class 3 and Class 9a residential aged care buildings and Class 9c buildings.

NCC Title

Electrical power outlets

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Electrical power outlets

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

NCC Blurbs

Performance RequirementsVIC I4P1 to VIC I4P3 and relevant Performance Requirements in Sections D and F are satisfied by complying with VIC I4D2 to VIC I4D7.

NCC Title

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions
NCC Blurbs

The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of this Part apply to Class 3 and Class 9a residential aged care buildings and Class 9c buildings.

NCC Title

Application of Part

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Application of Part
NCC Blurbs

(1) The clear width of all bedroom entrance doorways must be not less than 900 mm.

(2) The clear width of all other doorways must be not less than 800 mm.

NCC Title

Doorway width

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Doorway width
NCC Blurbs

(1) The sill height of windows in habitable rooms (except kitchens) must be not more than 900 mm above the floor.

(2) Openable windows must be provided with flyscreens.

NCC Title


NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
NCC Blurbs

Grab rails must be provided in association with every closet pan, shower or bath in accordance with AS 1428.1.

NCC Title

Grab rails

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Grab rails
NCC Blurbs

A communication system must—

  1. contain a back-up power supply; and
  2. have a control that enables the call to be cancelled manually at the point of origin only; and
  3. incorporate a device at the point of origin that indicates the system has operated; and
  4. incorporate an indication panel in the manager’s office or staff area that clearly indicates the point of origin of a call; and
  5. have an audible tone that has a continuous signal until deactivated at the point of origin; and
  6. be operational at all times; and
  7. have two call points in each ensuite or combined shower/water closet with one call point located in the shower recess and the other on the wall beside the closet pan ahead of the bowl rim; and
  8. have call points (other than those mentioned in (g)) which are located—
    1. within the reach of a resident whilst in bed; and
    2. in all common habitable rooms; and
    3. in all bathrooms, sanitary compartments and shower rooms where the call point must be of waterproof construction and within the reach of any fallen resident.
NCC Title

Electronic communication system

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Electronic communication system
NCC Blurbs

General purpose outlets must be provided as follows:

  1. In bedrooms with one occupant — two general purpose outlets provided on a minimum of two walls.
  2. For each additional occupant — two general purpose outlets provided at the head of each additional bed.
NCC Title

Electrical power outlets

NCC State
NCC SPTC Current
Electrical power outlets